2.必須配合Excel 或 類似軟件使用
3.電腦必須有「按鍵精靈」和 PTCGO遊戲軟件
- 雙Monitor(顯示器)版本 (操作較快)
- 單Monitor(顯示器)版本
//Dual Monitor PTCGO Auto redeemer by Rios
For 99 //Number of Packs to open
MoveTo 466, 828 //move to ptcgo code area #1
Delay 1000
LeftClick 1 //click ptcgo code area
Delay 500
KeyDown 17, 1
KeyPress 86, 1
KeyUp 17, 1 //paste code
Delay 1000
MoveTo 537, 919 //move to ptcgo submit button #2
Delay 500
LeftClick 1 //click ptcgo submit button
Delay 500
MoveTo 1091, 930 //move to ptcgo claim button #3
Delay 500
LeftClick 1 //click ptcgo claim button
Delay 1000
MoveTo 895, 913 //move to ptcgo done button #4
Delay 500
LeftClick 1 //click ptcgo done button
Delay 1000
MoveTo 2183, 6 //move to excel topbar #5
Delay 500
LeftClick 1 //click excel topbar
Delay 500
KeyPress “Down”, 1
Delay 500
KeyDown 17, 1
KeyPress 67, 1
KeyUp 17, 1 //copy excel code
Delay 1000
//Single Monitor PTCGO Auto redeemer by Rios
For 99 //Number of Packs to open
MoveTo 466, 828 //move to ptcgo code area #1
Delay 1000
LeftClick 1 //click ptcgo code area
Delay 500
KeyDown 17, 1
KeyPress 86, 1
KeyUp 17, 1 //paste code
Delay 1000
MoveTo 537, 919 //move to ptcgo submit button #2
Delay 500
LeftClick 1 //click ptcgo submit button
Delay 500
MoveTo 1091, 930 //move to ptcgo claim button #3
Delay 500
LeftClick 1 //click ptcgo claim button
Delay 1000
MoveTo 895, 913 //move to ptcgo done button #4
Delay 500
LeftClick 1 //click ptcgo done button
Delay 1000
MoveTo 518, 1062 //move to excel taskbar icon #5
Delay 500
LeftClick 1 //click excel taskbar
Delay 500
KeyPress “Down”, 1
Delay 500
KeyDown 17, 1
KeyPress 67, 1
KeyUp 17, 1 //copy excel code
Delay 1000
MoveTo 373, 1060 //move to ptcgo taskbar icon #6
Delay 500
LeftClick 1 //click ptcgo taskbar
Delay 1000
腳本使用教學 (前期設置) [一次設定即可]
- 腳本中有多個「點」需要自行抓坐標 (#1-#5)
- 單Monitor(顯示器)版本需要抓6個坐標 (#1-#6)
- 第一行 For 99,99數字可隨意更改為你需要兌換卡包的數量
- 開啓按鍵精靈、PTCGO、Excel 三個軟件
- 把PTCGO Code放到Excel中(每行一個code)
- 在PTCGO中,點擊到兌換Code的頁面
- 在Excel中,選取第一行第一格,並複製Code
- 點擊PTCGO視窗
- 開始啓動腳本 (熱鍵:F10)